Log Railing Construction
Custom Log Rails
Log Gates & Accents
Before & After
Austin's ArtWork

Over the years the process has stayed the same ...  Starting out with select lodgepole pine poles and an old-fashioned drawknife.

The rustic look of the drawknife lends to the mountain flare our customer’s request.

We use a secure mortise and tenon assembly on all of our log railing sections.  All balusters meet standard spacing codes and have their tenons centered for a better fit.  

Careful consideration is given to a tight fit that reduces rotting from moisture. Each baluster is secured with corrosion resistant fasteners

We provide log railings for both exterior and interior locations, as well as log railings that meet both residential and commercial height regulations. We offer various sizes for log balusters and posts.

If replacing or adding on to existing log railings, we can match log diameters and tenon sizes.